Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Response To Short Takes Essay

Winter wheat was an interesting essay to me because I never had a grandparent tell me stories when I was younger. I never heard any war stories about my grandfather although he was in Korea and most of the things I know about him came through other people. He died in February 2005 during my freshman year of high school and he was the first close relative I've ever had pass away. Most of the stories I heard about him were at his funeral and funerals of my other relatives. My great-aunt told a story about how my grandfather would come home from work, take off his jacket, grab a beer, and then go jump in the pool outback clothes and all. I heard how he loved Cancun and how he requested his ashes to be scattered there. I learned from my father of my grandfather's love for fine scotch and cigars. He was a man that everyone loved but I can't really tell you much about him.

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