Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Brother

Geoff never took his schooling seriously. His grades started slipping around his 7th grade year. He would come home with D's and F's on his report card while explaining to our parents that these poor marks were not his fault but in fact were due to the teachers antipathy for him. Which was true not many teachers took a liking to my brother. He always came to class and interjected frequently with a smart comment. One of his teachers even gave him in-school suspension because he insisted that mitosis occurs at the "g-spot". He told my mom that he was referring to the Gathering Spot on the Marietta campus(g-spot for short) but still he had to spend the day in Alternative Learning staring at the wall and cursing his biology teacher. Geoff still made friends with some of his teachers and developed a close relationship with his 10th grade english teacher Mr.Rabenne. One night Geoff helped him with a few task so he took him to dinner and brought him home. He told my parents how great Geoff is and how he would adopt him if they ever needed to get rid of him.

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